Healthy Snack: Quick and Easy Egg Salad Stuffed Avocados

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Homeschool Moms are busy.  Making healthy snacks can be a huge challenge.  However, many homeschool moms want to feed our children healthy food all day.  Here is a quick and healthy snack that can also be used for lunch.

Quick and Easy Egg Salad Stuffed Avocados

Preparing this easy snack is quick and perfect for homeschooling parents. I love that it’s easy enough to get the kids involved too, even the little ones can help smash the eggs with a fork and stir in the mayo. Both eggs and avocado are packed with nutrients. Avocados are a good source of potassium and eggs and some great protein which helps kids stay full until their next meal. This could easily be a quick lunch for your kids and yourself too!

Another thing I love about this snack is that keeping the shell/peel on the avocados makes a built-in little bowl to hold your salad. Less clean up is always a bonus and time saver!

Healthy Snack Tip:

I like having boiled eggs on hand for quick snacks like this one. I will usually boil a half a dozen eggs per person for the week which saves us a lot of time during our school week.


Easy Egg Salad Stuffed Avocados


  • 1 boiled egg per person

  • 1/2 avocado per person

  • 1 tablespoon of mayo per egg

  • Salt and pepper to taste

  • Top with sweet red pepper slices


These take minutes to make. Peel the boiled eggs then rinse off and remaining eggs shell bits. In a small bowl mash eggs with a fork until smashed into small pieces. Then, add mayo, salt, and pepper and mix everything together until ingredients are completely incorporated. Now cut your avocado in half. Remove the pit and discard. Using a large spoon scoop one egg’s worth of egg salad into each avocado half. Top with sweet red pepper slices to add color and flavor if desired.